small beginnings at @party
it was really cool to visit boston for @party 2013 🙂
i broke my toe just the week before so i wound up hobbling around in a lot of pain but still had a lot of fun. i split a room with trixter and inspired chaos which was fun and kept costs down too. i was delighted to find boston has Chipotle and enjoyed a fine Massachusetts burrito while staying up late and finishing an entry.
kirill made sweet 3d models and gloom made awesome music. it was fun weaving things together right up to the deadline and hoping it wouldn’t crash on the compo machine.
there were a lot of cool presentations and even a demo petting zoo. 😀 trixter gave a presentation on the pcjr which helped appreciate his pcjr demo entry the next day. ic did a wild entry involving him dancing with lights. sigflup had a really cool sega genesis demo. coda’s demo on PC in a SNES style really touched my heart as i’m quite a big fan of burritos and seeing a flying burrito soaring over beautiful 16bit landscapes and oceans was enchanting. 😁 had it been a taco i’d have had to suspect they’d been monitoring my dreams. impakt/youthuprising had a great demo with beautiful style and design. gloom’s music for our demo sounded amaaazing on the party sound system.
our demo small beginnings