unhacking my wordpress blog

hmmm i think i finally have my blog fixed! it’s been a pain because there were all these backdoors hidden around in the wordpress install and they were very sneaky so sometimes would show the blog correctly and sometimes would show crazy spam. it was pretty smart about hiding itself from me. so things would look normal when i visited but then other people would keep asking why i was selling drugs and other weird stuff!
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changed blog

well i changed blog software.  i was using betaparticle, but got fed up with its bugs so i switched.  it was nice to be sure, but i kept having to manually fix the database and was finding too many problems with content in comments or posts.  blah.  i still haven’t updated all the templates and styles for this new one yet so stuff might be crazy.  who knows.  oh the rss url changed so if you have some fancy software you might need to update that.
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a little less ghetto

by popular request i've de-ghetto-ized my blog. comments can now be added and a rss feed is available. enjoy it!!