i went to the M+DEV game development conference over the weekend. i had never driven up to wisconsin before and it turned out to be a really fun trip.

the drive up was about two hours, so naturally i was worried that i would get bored and die (i’m not used to long drives) but it went by pretty quick by listening to an audio book. i was told by so many people that there’d be delicious cheese everywhere but i saw not a single slice the whole time! maybe it wasn’t cheese season? there was some shredded cheese in a burrito i had and it did seem quite fresh though…

anyway, the conference itself was like a mini GDC with a small exhibit area and lots of talks broken into several paths for different disciplines. the opening keynote was given by Warren Spector and was excellent and very inspirational. there were lots of interesting people to meet from companies in wisconsin and also the chicago area.

i’ll definitely go again next year. the conference ticket was a hundred bucks and the hotel was about the same so it’s extremely cheap compared to GDC - plus i’d like a second chance at finding some wisconsin cheese. XD